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What We Offer

Data Points

Installing extra data points to hard-wire your TV, gaming consoles, and computers will improve your Internet experience and free up your WiFi for other devices like iPads, mobile phones and Google Nest.  

Home Or Office Networks

Having trouble setting up a home or office network that works effectively? We can guide you through the best way to set it up so you can maximise the value of the NBN Internet plan you are paying for.

Network Drop Outs

Are you having consistent Internet drop outs? Most homes have been wired with multiple phone points. This causes a lot of issues with the NBN as it is more effective with a direct connection from the PCD on the side of your home to the modem. We can test your copper wiring and remove any star or bridge wiring to eliminate the drop outs.

NBN Modem Relocation

Your NBN modem may be installed in an inconvenient location in your home, like a bedroom. We can relocate your NBN equipment to a more central location to ensure every room gets high performing Internet speeds.

CCTV Systems

Need the peace of mind of having your home or office monitored 24/7? We can set up CCTV systems that enable you to monitor your premises on your mobile phone. We offer a 4, 6, or 8 camera CCTV security system.

Starlink Installations

You need better Internet speeds then the NBN can deliver so you have opted for Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starlink Satellite System. We can do the installation and any other cabling work to get the maximum value out of your new Starlink Dish.

Ubiquiti Access Points

The best way to get Internet access throughout your home or office is to install a hard-wired access point. We love our Ubiquiti Access Points and use them in our own homes. They are a commercial access point that extends high-performing Internet coverage to all rooms in your premise. 


New Lead Ins

If your home or office does not have an existing lead-in from the street we can install a new one to get you ready to be connected to the NBN. This is also a great option if you have a garage or bungalow that needs Internet access –  we can install an underground cable and get you set up.

Get in touch today

slow internetPNG
Home Hub
Home Hub
Data Sockets
Home Network Hub
New Lead-In
40 Metre trench
NBN Modem Relocation
Data Points
TV mounted in Cinema room
Wall Mounted TV
New Lead In Before and After
Bridge Wiring
Wall Mount TV
Cables in Hub
Modem and switch
Home Hubs
Modem Relocation
Ubiquiti Access Point
Starlink Installation
CCTV Mobile Monitoring